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Steven Rogers

MSc candidate

I am a MSc student in the Integrative Biology department at the University of Guelph. I completed my BSc in Marine Biology at Aberdeen University in Scotland in 2017 and plan to complete my MSc in 2021. Prior to joining the Hanner Lab I studied Marine Biology at the University of Aberdeen where I conducted a Honours project under Dr Tara Marshall evaluating harvest control rules in EU fisheries. After receiving my Canadian Permanent Residency I was keen to get back into science through grad school. Following a long search, Dr Hanner's research into DNA Barcoding, targeted qPCR, and Biomonitoring felt like an exciting opportunity. Once we had a few discussions about ongoing work and potential future projects, I was delighted at the chance to join the lab! Once I became a member of the lab, my main focus became designing and validating species specific qPCR primer and probe assays for invasive freshwater fish species in Canada. This work is undertaken under the GEN-FISH project. My other project includes evaluating currently designed freshwater fish assays through taxon specific gene alignments. I have collaborated with Industry and Government partners using eDNA surveys for detection of Brook Trout and American Eel, and working with conservation groups to DNA barcode larval and egg samples to species level identification. My research interest is using eDNA as a biomonitoring tool. I have a keen curiosity in the potential further uses of eDNA in population ecology and food web/ecosystem structure. Within this, I am teaching myself coding to bring bioinformatics into my research. Away from the lab, I enjoy reading books and listening to podcasts on history. I like to travel and I am keen to get to explore more of Canada when safe to do so. I would like to study more coding and learn how to repair and build electronics in my spare time. Beyond my Masters, I plan to start a PhD with the hope of moving into industry on graduation.

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